
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Wednesday's Class

Hello all my wonderful Math-lings. So sorry I cannot be with you this week. Please check your classwork from yesterday (pg. 188, 1 - 23). The answers are here:
1.  83
2.  r4s2
3.  -7a2b
4.  25a2 or 52a2
5.  95
6.  (-5)4
7.  10,000
8.  64
9.  64
10.  64
11.  64
12.  216
13.  1,000,000
14.  108
15.  15
16.  31
17.  50
18.  11
19.  42
20.  73
21.  212
22.  -9
23.  22
24.  15x2y
After checking your work, take the next ten minutes to pair up with a partner and discuss what, if anything, went wrong. Help each other out. I know the problems with variables instead of numbers may have been a little confusing, but hopefully now that you know the answers, you'll see that it's just like using regular numbers. NEWSFLASH: I've changed the comments option on our blog so you can comment with questions for me if you are having a hard time with anything. :)

After checking your work, stay with your partner to read through pgs. 190 and half of pg. 191 (read through Example 2). We've already learned about prime factorization by practicing factor trees; now, let's put what we've learned about prime factorization and exponents together to express prime factorization using exponents. Pay close attention to Example 2 - watch how 5 x 5 x 3 x 11 becomes 52 x 3 x 11 because 5 x 5 can be expressed with an exponent.

Then, with your partner, try pg. 193: 9 - 16. Please hold on to your paper. You and your partner will be checking your answers tomorrow and turning the assignment in. Make sure both names are on your paper.