
Friday, September 25, 2015

Chapter 1 Study Guide

Hello everyone. Don't forget your Chapter 1 Assessment is Tuesday. Here's what will be on the test:

Variable Expressions
- You'll need to know how to write variable expressions for word phrases. For example:
Write a variable expression for a number n increased by 5.
Well, if we're starting with an unknown number (n) and we're increasing by 5, we must be adding. So n + 5 would be our variable expression.

Order of Operations
***Please remember that you should be using the correct order of operations for any math problem you complete - not just problems that specify that you need to "use order of operations to..."***
- Remember that MULTIPLICATION and DIVISION  are on the same level and are performed LEFT to RIGHT
- Remember that ADDITION and SUBTRACTION are also on the same level and are performed LEFT to RIGHT

Evaluating Expressions
- To evaluate an expression, substitute a number for each variable. Then solve using order of operations.
Evaluate 3x + 4 for x 5. 
1. First, we plug the value in for x: 3 x 5 + 4
2. Next, we multiply: 15 + 4
3. Finally, we add: 19
And voila. We've evaluated the expression.

Integers, Integers, Errry'thang Integers
You'll need to know how to:
- Compare and order integers (remember, as we go further left on the number line, the values decrease; as we go further to the right, the values increase)
- Find the absolute value (remember, absolute values are ALWAYS POSITIVE and absolute value lines act as grouping symbols, just like parentheses)
- Add and subtract with integers
Quick review: Adding with the same sign - add like normal and keep the sign. 
                       Adding with different signs - find the difference of the absolute values and keep the 
                       sign of the "larger" number
                       Subracting: USE KFC (Keep, Flip, Change); then, use your addition rules.
- Multiply and divide with integers
Quick review: When multiplying OR dividing, if both numbers have the same sign, the answer is 
                        ALWAYS POSITIVE
                        If the numbers have different signs, the answer is ALWAYS NEGATIVE

The Coordinate Plane
- Coordinates are (x, y) --- Don't forget, you have to walk into the building before you can take the elevator

Study, study, study your notes! See you Monday!

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