Scared of subtraction involving negative integers? Don't be - remember, it's just addition in disguise!
The rule for subtraction is:
Add the OpPoSiTe!
Who likes fried chicken? It's one of my all-time favorites. :)
So... what does fried chicken have to do with subtracting integers? Check out this cool chart from
Then, solve your problem as an addition problem. Here are a few examples:
-5 - 3 = ?
-5 + (-3) = -8 ---> Both numbers are the same sign, so we can add like normal and keep the sign.
7 - (-2) = ?
7 + 2 = 9 ---> Again, both numbers are the same sign, so we can add like normal and keep the sign.
4 - 8 = ?
4 + (-8) = ? ---> Now we've got addition with two different signs, so remember to use your absolute values!
The absolute values are 4 and 8. The difference between 4 and 8 is 4. Now, is it negative or positive? Look at the original number that had the greatest absolute value: -8. Since it's negative, we know the answer is -4.
If you are self-checking subtraction of integers tonight, here are the answers to the Quick Checks from 1-6 (pgs. 30 & 31):
1) a. -5
b. -1
c. -3
2) a. -4
b. -6
c. 5
3) a. 35
b. -106
c. -46
HaPpY SuBtRaCtInG!
so do we have to do the questions
ReplyDeleteHi Nathaniel. No, you don't have to do the questions in this post and there's no assignment on Khan Academy. This is a repost from an old blog that might help with the homework assigned from the textbook.